The Reviews Are Coming In (and They're Great!)

The reviews of our latest production are beginning to come in and we couldn't be more thrilled. Here's what some have had to say:

"American audiences are used to seeing Chekhov's characters leading lives of quiet desperation. Rovinsky, however, gives us people leading lives of loud desperation in an attempt to capture the humor and humanity that makes these 19th-century strivers still beloved to their latter-day Russian descendants."

Jay Gabler, City Pages

"You won't want to miss this twist on the Russian classic which disengages the play from the clichés of samovars, corsets, and the “mysterious Russian soul” and instead addresses our contemporary world of disconnection and the desperate longing for love that is our seething, vibrating underbelly."

Savage Umbrella

"This is one of those shows that is so completely captivating that it's hard to shake when you leave the theater. Funny, tragic, odd, and completely enchanting."

Cherry and Spoon

"If you have not seen The Seagull before, this is the perfect version to see. If you think you know it well and don't need to see it again, this is the one that will prove you wrong. Don't miss it."

Bethany Gladhill

There's plenty more time to see the show. Come see what all the buzz is about — Reserve your tickets today.


Announcing Our 2017 Season


Acting Workshops with Elena Kuzina