Theatre Novi Most to Participate in The Ghostlight Project

On Thursday Jan. 19th at 5:30pm in each time zone, theater venues and performance spaces across the country will come together to launch The Ghostlight Project, affirming their inclusive values and lighting a beacon of hope across the country to signal that affirmation.Inspired by the tradition of leaving a "ghost light" on in a darkened theater, artists and communities will make or renew a pledge to stand for and protect the values of inclusion, participation, and compassion for everyone--regardless of race, class, religion, country of origin, immigration status, (dis)ability, gender identity, or sexual orientation.] Over 20 theaters in the Twin Cities are joining together for this event in locations across the metro area. Theatre Novi Most will be participating at an event held on campus at the University of Minnesota Department of Theatre Arts and Dance from 5:20-6:00pm.Gather: at 5:20 gather in front of the Thrust Theater in the Rarig Center (330 21st Ave S). Bring phones and/or flashlights. Tea lights available will also be available thanks to the UMTAD Peers.At 5:30pm exactly, led by event MCs, we will process into the Thrust theater and together light our lights. The Peers will lead us in an inclusive pledge to craft continuous brave spaces in our department. Faculty and students from Theater and Dance will lead us in the ceremony, in movement and in song. We will then process to the Barker Center to affirm our commitment and light a beacon in this space as well.At 6pm: All are welcome to join folks from Augsburg, Mixed Blood and the Guthrie at the Republic (221 Cedar Ave.)All are welcome. More info at


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